
Here I share my thoughts on everything and anything. I found out that I like to express myself with pictures and short writings. Here on my blog, I am free to show my real self and have some fun with it too. I hope you find interest in what I am writing about and don't forget to subscribe for more!
The reason I started blogging was because I saw lots of my favorite beauty/ fashion YouTubers I subscribe to had blogs, like Zoella (my biggest inspiration of all times) or Tanya Burr. All of these amazing people had blogs that they could write and share all their thoughts and feelings and I wanted to get into the action. So, "It's Liddy" was born. Here I am free to express myself, share memorable times with my followers and do what makes me happy. I know I am not a pro at this yet but really who is? We learn something new each day. I hope you enjoy my blog and don't forget to follow!
Love you, *a million kisses*

Find me on my other page: Contact Me!

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